Thursday, July 7, 2016

FBI director: Petraeus did not hide top-secret documents

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FBI director: Petraeus did not hide top-secret documents in

New York Daily News - ‎1 hour ago‎
FBI director James Comey stuck to his guns Thursday and defended his decision not to charge Hillary Clinton with a crime for her use of a private email server while serving as secretary of state.
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Ooops! FBI director changes tune, says David Petraeus did not hide top-secret documents in his attic

FBI Chief Grilled by GOP Over Clinton Emails
NY Daily News
WASHINGTON - Even the nation’s top cop can get things wrong.
FBI Director James Comey stirred interest Thursday when he said former CIA Director David Petraeus hid materials in attic insulation while the agency pursued its case about his mishandling of classified information.

FBI Director James Comey's testimony rebuts claims from Donald Trump and other Republicans that Hillary Clinton got a slap on the wrist while David Petraeus had the book thrown at him.

Later, during his testimony on Hillary Clinton’s email server, Comey said his staff told him he had misspoken.

Former CIA Director David Petraeus intentionally shared classified information with his biographer, with whom he was having an affair, then lied to the FBI about it.

(Evan Vucci/AP)
Comey said his staff told him that Petraeus didn't hide materials in his attic insulation, but that investigators found classified material in an unlocked drawer of a desk in a ground-floor study.
James Comey: Hillary Clinton should still face consequences
Hillary Clinton received no punishment for using a private email server that rendered some classified documents vulnerable when she was secretary of state.

Hillary Clinton received no punishment for using a private email server that rendered some classified documents vulnerable when she was secretary of state.

Comey made the disclosure to argue the point that the case of Petraeus, who knew he had top secret information and lied to the FBI about it, differed from the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s handling of classified information.
Comey did not recommend charges against Clinton, the presumptive Democratic candidate for president, over her personal email server while she was secretary of state. He said his team found no evidence that she lied under oath or broke the law by discussing classified information in an unclassified setting.
hillary clinton
james comey
hillary clinton emails
david petraeus
donald trump
2016 election

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