Friday, July 15, 2016

I think Erdogan staged this "Fake Coup" in order to take more power away from the military

I think he sees himself a little like Morsi in Egypt and is doing this to consolidate power as a dictator there and to take the country away from Democracy and into a dictatorship to make the country more Islamic on Sharia law than it presently is.

This would also likely cause the country to separate from NATO eventually too for a variety of reasons. So, what is happening is because of Erdogan's paranoia about the Military having as much power as they have always had in Turkey.

This is what I think is going on at present.

Also, this fake coup likely will also make ISIS much stronger in Turkey in "When the Cats away the mice will play" kind of logic.

So, for the western world anyway you look at this it is not good for the western world at all and it is not good for the Turkish people either.

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