Monday, July 25, 2016

I think the FBI needs to investigate Russian interference in U.S. Elections

I believe the F.B.I or whatever branch of government designated needs to now investigate how this happened to see if it can be traced back to the Russian Government. It is true that the Republican Platform was changed to make it more "Russia Friendly" and Trump's message about not helping Eastern European countries defend against Russian attacks if they haven't paid their bills makes all this very very suspicious. I think both EU investigative bodies as well as the FBI or other more appropriate investigative agencies should now be involved in finding out the truth here. Because who wants Trump as president if he is actually Putin's Patsy playing the money game with Putin and being bribed by Putin to sell him Eastern European Countries after he might be elected president?

Because if you study Trump's history he will literally do almost anything for enough money(maybe even  including selling out the U.S. or (eastern Europe) to Putin for Russia to take them over like during the Cold War after World War II.

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