Monday, July 25, 2016

If you don't speak out the truth now I fear your countries will soon be gone worldwide

I call out to all mankind to speak out your truths in any way you can now. Because otherwise if someone like Trump gets in he will be something like an American Version of Hitler because of his complete lack of empathy for all mankind. Someone this narcissistic (like Hitler) without empathy winds up often like the jews being burned up in Europe.

Only this time it would be the Muslims and black people being burned up here in the U.S. by Trump. You think I'm kidding?

I'm not kidding. If you understand psychology, Trump is not healthy enough psychologically to lead this nation. He has the temperament of a despot. This temperament might work when you are the dictatorial leader of a company that you personally own with your family.

But, this just doesn't work with a country.

And when Trump becomes frustrated with things not moving fast enough for him. And he will (if he becomes president) he will think nothing about temporarily or permanently suspending the rights of all Americans (or all humans on earth as well) both directly and indirectly.

If you observe Trump you can see he just doesn't have the patience or the empathy to be president and is a Clear and Present Danger to all mankind (Not just Americans).

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