Monday, July 25, 2016

Trump:"I'm the ONLY ONE that can save you"

Let's think about this statement rationally and logically. This just isn't a true statement about ANYONE on Earth.

Who does Trump share this idea with?

Hitler is one of the many with this sociopathic disorder

So, What is Trump really saying here?

He is saying:

God can't save you
the Constitution can't save you
The Congress Can't save you
Your mother your father cannot save you
Your friends can't save you
Your pets can't save you.
You are incapable of Saving yourselves
No one else is capable of saving you.


Unless you are hanging over a cliff and no one else is there but Trump and he decides to reach down a hand and save you personally.

Otherwise this is ONLY a Sociopathic Delusion that is dangerous if you actually believe him.

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