Monday, July 25, 2016

The Key to happiness and wanting to stay alive even one more moment in time

Often I write on compassion because I embarked on a path of compassion around the late 1970s and early 1980s when I realized a dualistic path is sort of shizophrenic by it's very nature. So, the beginning of a path of compassion was realizing some aspects of how many people practice Christianity in a dualistic way could be perceived as completely elitist and therefore psychologically moving towards a sort of genocidal way of looking at things.

I had been asked to leave my mystical Christian religion and the way this was done came close to resulting in my own death through suicide between ages 21 and 24 or 25. Though I was stronger than this (By God's Grace) my trust of organized religion never ever recovered from these experiences.

Maybe this was a good thing for me as well as for many others. I didn't travel towards atheism or agnosticism because believing in God took me through whooping cough at age two (when Archangel Michael and his band of Archangels appeared to me while my Scottish Grandmother was singing "Hark the Herald Angels Sing". When the Archangels came and began healing me from whooping cough so I didn't die this moved me in the direction of soul travel like they do.

So, religion for me was never something cultural or external but a real scientific experience always. So, when I realized many people in all religions never believe any of it but just appeared to make money (even priests and ministers of all religions) I was very depressed by all this.

So, I realized that the way many organized religions are practiced are not useful to people at all.

So, I tried through my research to find what actually would be useful to the most people. I found a path of compassion towards oneself and others moving towards enlightenment in all ways would be the best path for all mankind. So, I try to convey this message from a lifetime of experience.

In the end each of us have to find our own paths whatever that is in the moment, every day of our lives or we are dead physically or just psychologically. Life has to have enough meaning to go on to face even one more day.

Being alive or being dead has never really been that important to me. What has always been important is to have enough meaning to actually choose to be alive even one more moment or day instead.

So, one has to have enough joy and meaning in their lives to choose to live even one more moment. This is what I believe. So, compassion towards oneself and all other beings brings me the most joy every moment of my life.

I have personally found since 1980 or before that compassion for myself and all beings makes me happy the most moments of my life ongoing.

So, I try to share this with others that they might be happy enough to actually choose to stay alive another moment, another day in a joyful happiness of seeing just how happy they can make themselves and all other beings in any given moment for the rest of their natural lives.

By God's Grace

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