Saturday, July 16, 2016

The permanent end of Turkish Democracy and rise of the Turkish Islamic State?

If you haven't studied the history of Turkey and who Erdogan is and what the army means to it's people then you likely don't know what happened last night is the end (possibly permanently) of the Turkish Democracy. Whether Erdogan was behind the coup so he could arrest everyone he wanted to in the coup I don't know for sure. But, if you want to be logical it was Erdogan who did this so he would have an excuse to arrest most of the army officers and soldiers he wants to execute or put in prison.

So, now there is no Turkish Democracy. So, not only has Brexit destroyed the EU stability, but Erdogan has now destroyed the Turkish Democracy as well. And Erdogan  was the major Country through Turkey that ISIS soldiers were allowed across the porous Turkish Syrian and Turkish IRaqi borders to fight for ISIS. No other country had this role in the ongoing existence of ISIS up until now.

So, viewing Turkey was a paradox until now. Now we can see it turning into a Sunni Islamic State Caliphate not to different from what ISIS did in Raqqa and Mosul. This is one of the worst things to happen for Europe and the U.S. and Russia so far. We can now see why Russia almost went to war with Erdogan already because of the shoot down of a Russian plane.

So, what we have now is an Erdogan Dictatorship moving the country towards an Islamic State not too much different than what ISIS built in Raqqa and Mosul already.

This is 10 times or more worse than Brexit for the entire EU. Turkey likely will get kicked out of NATO and won't be a part of the EU anytime soon too. And expect over the next 10 years now at least 30 million Turks wanting to leave Turkey for Europe in addition to the millions of refugees from Syria, Iraq, Libya and Yemen already. What a complete mess getting worse by the Day!

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