Monday, July 25, 2016

What's APP: 1 billion Users

This basic messenger allows free voice calls (through wifi or data) and is widely used in India, Latin America, parts of Africa and Russia.
above quote from page 12 of the most recent time Magazine with Hillary on the cover. (Aug. 1st 2016)

I find (for a smart phone) this I think is better than skype). However, for a laptop or desktop I prefer Skype because it is free computer to computer through wifi worldwide.

However, with What's APP it is encrypted so there is less of a problem that what you are sending will wind up in the hands of criminals. (However, I believe many or most governments have broken the encyrption by now).

But, what I like is free calls through wifi or data to the other side of the world, pictures sent instantly from any part of the world to each other and instant texting for free worldwide (especially in countries in which Skype does not work at all).

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