Monday, July 25, 2016

Putin's desire to Take Over Ukraine and Eastern Europe would be fostered by a Trump Presidency

It is pretty obvious to any logical person studying carefully the situation.

When you combine Trump's statement of not defending European Union Countries who "don't pay their fair share into NATO coffers (which likely is scaring the hell out of many countries right now by the way) you also see exactly how Putin would take the first few countries because Trump is signaling he can take the weakest countries in an economic sense who cannot pay their NATO dues.

So, with the Russian government's Hacking Break into the DNC computers and giving 20,000 secret emails to the world, they might have influenced the election in favor of Trump.

Which conveniently allows Putin to start taking over countries without retribution from the United States. So, whatever countries cannot afford to pay their dues will be the first picked off by Putin in creating the NEW Russian Empire out of Eastern European Countries.

I wonder how much Putin is paying Trump to be able to do this?

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