Friday, June 21, 2019

Why the Abortion issue is dear to the Republican party

It's because more Republicans are dying than are being born in the U.S. and often even white children who are raised Republican turn into Democrats or Independents. For example, I was raised a Conservative Republican but was turned into an Independent by Nixon. When Nixon did what he did I had no ethical choice but to give up the Republican party permanently. Hillary Clinton had the same experience in that era too. It was a matter of principle.

So now, preventing white people from having abortions is the only way Republican States can stop the Republican drain theoretically. So, you are seeing this in southern States the most. For example, preventing the last Abortion clinic in Missouri to function is a Republican thing that is happening in Missouri to prevent white women from having abortions. So, maybe white people will be forced to have Republicans and then try to not educate them well enough to become progressives because progressives educated by public universities tend to not be Republicans whether they are white or not.

59% of Republicans presently have never been to college (this is the highest percentage of Uneducated Republicans in history) by the way since around the 1950s this is something to think about too.

What I find the strangest thing of all is it is completely counterproductive to the point of stealing food from your children's mouths to vote Republican unless you are very very rich. So, this to me is the strangest thing of all about 59% of Republicans presently having never been to college.

The only correlation maybe is that without college, critical thinking often doesn't exist in people when they are trying to filter true information from falsehoods.  This would explain why Trump can lie 10,000 times or more since being elected and this 59% of Republicans that have never been to college still support him even though financially he is the death of their children's future here on earth!

So, maybe you have to view Trump as a cult figure like Hitler was and as a movie star rather than a normal person. It's true that fans can accept sometimes almost anything of their movie star heroes even rape and murder in the case of Trump. Trump murders children in the concentration camps along the U.S. southern Borders and has continued to do this for some time now. And it is possible in the course of those murders they are raped too by those paid to care for them. So, these children are not protected to the point that they die (possibly from rape).

So, how can a party which supports the rape and murder of illegal aliens also be against Abortion?

It just doesn't make any logical sense when you think about it.

IF you think Abortion is murder but not when it is kids from south of the border  killed by neglect by our government where are your principles (or don't you have any)?

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