Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Why is America's Infrastructure Crumbling?

We haven't really updated our infrastructure of Bridges or Gas Mains or other aspects of infrastructures across the U.S. since the 1950s. Why?

I think Eisenhower said it best: "As he left office he warned us about the Military Industrial complex which is directly tied to the pentagon was completely out of control then in 1960 when he left office."

Ever since then we have had the Viet Nam War, and before that the Korean War, and after those two the Arab Oil Crisis, Terrorism, then Saddam in Kuwait (that Kuwait hired the U.S. as a mercenary Army to drive Saddam out (which we did). Then Saddam was targeted instead of Osama bin Laden and his Saudi Backers which wasted more U.S. Blood and treasure. And now we have the longest war we as the U.S. have ever been in going on in Afghanistan. And all these wars and the munitions of war is why our infrastructure has NEVER been updated Since President Eisenhower.

We never left a war Economy from World War II and as a result our infrastructure is crumbling now almost 60 years later. With no repairs or upgrades, more gas mains will explode and more rusting bridges will collapse ongoing until someone does something about it in Congress.

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