Thursday, February 13, 2020

Here's the obvious rub in China

The problem is many many many more people have the virus than are being seen by doctors for a variety of reasons everywhere now in China. So, what this means in real time is that there likely is some ratio of the numbers they are giving us (the ones diagnosed by doctors) and likely 3 to 5 to 10 times more people (either afraid or unable to get to doctors) or going to doctors when there is no time for those doctors to diagnose them (or dying before they are diagnosed).

So, like I said there is some real ratio here if anyone is able to figure it out of likely 3 to 5 to 10 times more people with the virus and dying from it than is actually reported. However, this might never be uncovered in a place like China the way things are there.

So, if one could get the actual numbers remember the ratio so far is 2% fatalities of whatever that actual number might be.

I did a calculation of the number of people on earth 7.53 billion at present which I believe takes us theoretically to 154 million people potentially dying in a 2% kill ratio of this coronavirus. I just did another calculation and it's actually 150.6. If you double 7.53 it is 15.06 so that would mean 150,600,000 people dying theoretically.

However, it is physically impossible for EVERYONE on earth to get this virus. So, I'm thinking that eventually it might be possible for 50 million to 100 million people to eventually die from this worldwide. So, thinking of this sort of like World war II which killed that many people might be important for all nations at this time. Your school and jobs are NOT going to keep you alive through this as it spreads worldwide in leaps and spurts over the next few years. Being vigilant might though!

By God's Grace

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