Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Is enlightenment like being "Born Again"? YES

In fact I think the best way to describe Enlightenment is to be reborn many times in the same lifetime.
Because you are always periodically being "Born Again", So from an enlightenment standpoint the Christian adage of being "Born Again" is a part of enlightenment too. Enlightenment travels across all religions and philosophies on earth that believe in the Golden Rule of "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you".

Does one's lifetime get extended through enlightenment? Yes.


Because when you become enlightened you see all beings as aspects of yourself sort of like your relatives and friends. And as you become more enlightened often you remember these friends as you meet them having known them before in other times and places and lives in heaven realms or possibly here on earth or other planets in the past, present and future. And you do what you can to help all these friends of many lifetimes in heaven realms and on earth and from other planets too.

They might have been lovers or mates or parents or friends to you before. So, you still feel aligned with them and want to help them in this lifetime too. You might not be able to repeat the relationship you had with them before but you can pray for them and often they might become your friends in this lifetime too.

This helping of other friend souls increases automatically your lifespans here on earth so you can help more and more people and beings you meet along the way.

By God's Grace

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