Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Becoming Enlightened

At 15 I remembered my past lives and realized I didn't want to do most stuff I had already done before in other lives. I realized that I could work on becoming enlightened so I could share my enlightenment with others and this would have the best effect of this lifetime. Because I was already a writer and good at expressing deep things I knew that if I became enlightened I could express these things better by my writing and story telling abilities. And in writing my writings might exist for thousands of years. So, when I began blogging because God insisted I write because he had scared me so bad that I would die in 1998 and 1999 this started to become manifest.

Before being at Stanford medical with 60 other heart patients in Fall of 1999 who didn't know if they were going to die that day either on Gurneys waiting to be operated upon.

Of course then again there is this statement which I also agree with: "The way that can be thought of or spoken of is not the true path or the true way."

Which mostly means you have to experience the truth for yourself because no one can bring it to you. They might be able to give you hints but enlightenment is mostly a very personal experience.

It's a lot like flying a plane, driving a car or making or having a baby. Unless you do it yourself it doesn't have real meaning to you because each of these are very powerful experiences.

Also, enlightenment is also a very personal experience that is custom made for just you when you experience it.

However, then there is what Tibetan Lamas have told me which is: "Everyone is already enlightened they just have to accept it and realize it."

From that point of view it is sort of like: "You can't do anything unless you believe you can do it first. So, accepting you are enlightened allows you to actually BE enlightened in that moment."

Can you fly a plane or drive a car if you don't believe you can do it? No. You can't.

So, in order to function as an enlightened being you have to believe you are one to begin with.

By God's Grace

note: You cannot do anything at all unless you believe you can first. So, believing you are already enlightened is the actual key to enlightenment itself. And once you are enlightened there are many different levels to enlightenment that are never ending in a progression forward.

You Never stop being more enlightened every single day.

By God's Grace

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