Saturday, November 28, 2020

Guatama Buddha talks about visiting other civilizations on other worlds while soul Traveling

 When I first got interested in Buddhism in the 1970s it was because Buddha had shared my experiences soul traveling to other worlds and meeting other beings there. It was then I realized he was a kindred spirit to me in his traveling this galaxy and possibly others soul traveling. He even talked about the numbers of people living on these worlds which were in the millions or billions on different planets or dimensions.

So far, Science in general doesn't recognize the work of Soul Travelers who are human beings for hundreds of thousands of years or longer. But, still it all exists. 

For example, how do you know you are alive? Can you prove to any scientist that you are alive?

This might sound silly but this is how silly scientists are regarding things like this.

In other words if you don't have physical proof somehow things aren't considered real.

How could you ever prove to another that you have traveled to another country if they weren't there with you. All you have is your word.

So, in this sense traveling to another country is not scientific unless you take a scientist with you and even then he or she might not be able to prove to other scientists here in the U.S. that you actually all were there.

So, in this one sense science as it is conducted today is sort of ridiculous worldwide because it denies over 90% or more of all actual facts that are being observed by people all over the world.

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