Sunday, November 29, 2020

The future will not be at all like the past

 I think we have to expect as many changes as took place during the Great Depression and World war II when and IF coronavirus ever settles down. 


This is probably the main thing people have to realize. When I was studying a Social Science Class of "Marriage and the Family" in the early 1970s one thing stuck in my mind which is:

Whenever someone leaves a family or a new person enters that family (like a baby or an adopted child or a new stepfather or stepmother, everything changes and is NEVER THE SAME EVER AGAIN!

This is a given in life.

So, for every single death of anyone on earth from Coronavirus or anything else, that family will NEVER be the same ever again.

And SOOOO much wisdom and kindness and knowledge is lost with each and every death which could contribute to less people dying unnecessarily of all sorts of things from now on.

So, just like all the people that died from Starvation in the Great Depression in the U.S. and from bullets and bombs and knives and fists and clubs in World War II, the coronavirus will devastate the world for at least the next 50 years or more with the societal major damage it has and will create ongoing.

I lived through the 1950s with all the really crazy people who barely survived World war II and the Great Depression where ONLY the children born  during and after World War II were sane at all. So, I actually know what I'm talking about here.

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