Why were religions created? They are a way to keep people alive (both children and adults) when relatives die in either expected or unexpected ways. In the past, before medicine men and religion often when relatives die their living relatives often died too because they didn't know how to go on without those relatives.
So, religions were created so everyone didn't die in grief. This is actually why they were created in the first place. People told stories about how the world was created in their tribes so there were thousands of creation stories around the world, one for each tribe.
When farming began and people stopped being hunter gatherers as much and moving from place to place as much as they had before, religions and medicine men and women and then ministers and priests arose in churches or holy places that people met to worship.
As all this became more formalized around farming communities and cities these institutions often became corrupted by Greedy men and women who saw an opportunity to make money and get rich off the suffering of others.
People say religions were created by God. I would say that is wrong thinking. Religions were created by men and women for their own purposes.
The reason religions continue to exist is that some people need them to survive the miserableness of their lives.
This is the main reason that religions exist worldwide.
It's sort of like believing in Mickey Mouse and Disneyland. IF it works for you to do this then what is to stop you from believing in this?
For many people in Anaheim or Orlando they do believe in Disneyland and all the characters in Cartoons and Disney movies they grew up with. Is there anything wrong with this? Probably not.
Religions are the same kind of thing really when you think about it.
However, from my point of view one's relationship with God has nothing at all to do with religion because it is a personal experience people have with God and all life in the universe.
By God's Grace
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