Saturday, June 26, 2021

What is it like to sense the future before it happens?

 It's not too different than looking outside your door where you live and looking up at the sky and saying to yourself: "It's going to rain because the rain clouds are gathering. Or. It's windy outside so I better move the lawn chairs off the deck so they don't break the sliding doors or windows. Or. It's New Years Eve so I better watch out for people shooting guns in the air to celebrate by staying inside at midnight so bullets don't rain down because I need a roof between me and any descending bullets on the 4th of July or New Years Eve."

It's sort of like this only maybe a little deeper than this. You start sort of as a profiler of a situation and then you might start asking questions about what is happening both around you and within you. Some times it is as simply as feeling like:"I shouldn't drive my car or go anywhere right now because something isn't quite right."

Or conversely it might be: "I need to get in my car and get out of here and be someplace else because it doesn't feel safe here right now."

Honoring your instincts and intuitions keeps you alive your whole life long.

IF you listen to those senses you stay alive.

IF you don't listen you might die or be maimed for life.

It's really very simple.

But, if you get caught in the top of your head spinning and aren't in touch with what's happening around you then often you are just dead or maimed in one second when you aren't using your deeper senses.

It only takes a few seconds not listening at the wrong times to be dead.

This is why I prefer to be an intuitive and live in God's hands 24 hours a day. IT's why I'm still alive at 73 after the amazing life I have lived.

By God's Grace

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