Friday, October 15, 2021

The Galactic Sentience is similar to how people describe a God Like Being in that he is aware of the thoughts and feelings of everything living in the Galaxy 24 hours a day

note: Once again the Galactic  Sentience wants you to know that he prefers if people don't perceive him as a God simply because it might disempower them in their lives. He does not deny that he has God like Attributes he just wants people to be more independent and free thinkers and become full Citizens of the Galaxy.  end note.

begin quote:

His Oneness: "The Galactic Sentience is a full Creator and as the head creator he is naturally in tune with all stars and planets and nebula and other things in his galaxy. This is true of the head Creator of every Galaxy. It's sort of like when you are driving a car you might experience being the car itself so you are safe wherever you drive to. The same is true if you are piloting the plane that it's better if you experience the plane being your body so you know how much space it takes up so you don't hit other objects with it in the air or on the ground.

Arcane had his jet pilots license and so he said, "Yes. That's very true both of cars and trucks but also planes all over earth."

Moksha: "So you are saying what the planet you are Oneness for will let you know what it wants to happen?"

His Oneness: "Exactly. And sometimes the planet will snap out your flame and kill someone in some circumstances. And I can tell you from personal experience that isn't something you will ever get used to because it happens at odd moments."

Moksha: "Does this happen to only people near you?"

His Oneness: "No. It can happen to anyone anywhere on the planet. That's why you never get used to the planet doing this through the flame on  your forehead."

Moksha: "And there is nothing you can do about it?"

His Oneness: "The planet gets to decide who lives and who dies in the end always. So, even if it's someone you like there's nothing you can do."

Moksha: "Why does this happen?"

His Oneness: "Ours is not to reason why ours is but to do or die."

Moksha; "Charge of the Light Brigade?"

His Oneness: "Yes. I think so. But it seemed appropriate right now so I quoted it."

Moksha: "Interesting. Everything is much different than I thought in regard to being a Oneness of a planet for the Galactic Sentience."

His Oneness: "Yes. The Galactic Sentience contains the consciousness of all lifeforms including planets and stars in the whole galaxy 24 hours a day."

Moksha: "That must be difficult!"

His Oneness:"Apparently it isn't difficult for him because he's used to it."

Moksha: "So, in some ways it is the planet we answer to more than the Galactic Sentience in being a Oneness?

His Oneness: "Exactly."

Moksha: "Is New Deva a future state of Earth?"

His Oneness; "I'm not allowed to answer that directly but I can say it might be."

Moksha; "Then theoretically incredible winds and earth quakes could have blown down all the mountains and lands and blew them into the sea?"

His Oneness: "That's possible. However, I cannot confirm or deny any of this. because it's a secret, Moksha that the Galactic government wants kept."

"For example, in that time or near it Arcane first comes to Earth and the flames are green and blue with a little yellow or gold too. But, what I'm saying to you is that anything is possible through time."

Moksha: "This is especially true because we have the Galactic Time guard that can do ANYTHING with time on multiple time lines.

His Oneness: "Yes. Exactly!"

end partial quote from:

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