Monday, November 8, 2021

All these Geo-Engineering techniques might already be being tested by nations like China or the U.S. or Russia Secretly

 Where would they do this?

Over the oceans or in the arctic where there are less people observing what they are doing. I think this is quite likely for especially nations like Russia or China who were not at the Meetings in Italy and Europe recently. So, if you see really odd events in the weather that are unexpected in some new way their experiments with Geo engineering in Secret could be a part of the reason.

And especially under Trump I could see millions or billions of dollars having been secretly directed in these directions too.

The problem being is that the ultimate consequences of these geo-engineering experiments are just that: Experiements (which could also create new types of weather disasters in themselves) like mass starvation some places where food will not grow like what happened that caused the French Revolution in France in the late 1700s with guillotines executing the aristocracy of France then which was actually caused by Icelandic PYroclastic Glass from volcanoes there causing too little sun in France on the wind currents and causing mass starvation of everyone below middle class with only the aristocracy being fed as a direct result. This caused the execution eventually of all the aristocracy of France that didn't escape to England or other countries in time.

But, I'm thinking that the world would never likely agree on any of these geo-engineering experiments so likely they will all take place in secret anyway.

It's because how are you going to get the whole world to agree on anything?

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