Tuesday, November 2, 2021

As I was reading the previous article:

 I realized just how many unforeseen variables the human race is dealing with regarding Covid now. And the worst variable we are dealing with is that it looks like there are infinite variants out there just waiting to be discovered.

And the problem with this is that infinite variants give this and other viruses infinite ways to potentially extinct all mankind this century or after.

And not only that, Global Climate change is happening simultaneously to the point where only people sterilized from living on a space station who can no longer breed might be the only ones who actually survive all this within 100 to 300 years. So, that too might be the end of the human race if even the richest among us can no longer breed from living in space.

However, if people dig into the side of a tall mountain over 7000 feet in altitude like for example a place like Colorado Springs, Colorado, there might be ways for them to figure out how to survive all the ravages of Global Climate change if an earthquake doesn't collapse where they live first.

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