Tuesday, November 2, 2021

How does stasis work?

Stasis as I'm defining it in "The Alien War" is when a planet or a moon doesn't stop spinning or doing whatever it is doing in relation to the solar system or galaxy. What actually happens is time stops for all living things on the planet. So, for living things everything stops (for plants, people, animals etc.)

However, what happens to everything living in this stasis?

This is a very interesting question because weather continues and the planet or moon keeps spinning around the solar system which is spinning around the galaxy and galaxies are spinning sort of like jellyfish out in the ocean moving on ocean currents.

What if people are outside when it snows in Stasis? Do they freeze?

For some reason the stasis is Only around living things which tends to insulate all living things from things like snow and wind for some reason. Also, since time has stopped they don't need to breathe, go to the bathroom or eat or drink water so water stays inside them too and their bowels don't move because time is still wherever they are. So, for example, if stasis started a bird flying would stay exactly where it is in the air. A insect flying would stay exactly where it is in the air too. But, snow and wind and rain and flooding would continue. 

What if stasis ended in a snowstorm or flood for people or what if the oceans rose? 

The people when woken up out of stasis might live or they might die in a snow storm or flood or oceans rising or any other significant event of weather. It depends upon many different factors. But, what normally happens is the people or beings put in stasis are usually woken up the next second or the same second so none of these things happen.

However, some beings use stasis as a form of warfare and when this is done everyone usually dies when Stasis ends. But, the Galactic Government frowns upon this and usually will end the species that does this to another species within a few hundred years or less. Because this isn't acceptable to the Galactic Government long term.

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