Monday, November 15, 2021

Isolation is dangerous whatever country practices it. Why?

When you don't have enough communication between countries you get wars. It has always been this way down through history. When you have enough communication between nations often wars can be avoided by friendships between both the leadership of nations and friendships among the common people of the nations.

What is paramount to prevent war is enough open communication between both the leadership and the common people of those nations. Without good communications people die or are maimed. 

This is just a historical fact in the history of all nations ongoing.

So, what I'm saying here is Covid will tend to create wars worldwide through the lack of good communication and isolation of individuals worldwide. The death of many unvaccinated will also tend to create skirmishes and wars as people try to work out their grief worldwide too.

Grief whether recognized or in denial is a real thing and should not be underestimated. 

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