Sunday, November 14, 2021

The Alien War: Chapter 27: Flame is given ALL of the memories of the Previous Galactic Sentience


 They are here in the gigantic oxygen based yacht where species of oxygen breathing creatures are kept from all planets like this including Earth by the Previous and present Galactic Sentience.

Previous Galactic Sentience: "My son the present Galactic Sentience and I now believe we should take Earth species including the dinosaurs and make them a part of the Galactic Zoo and park in this Gigantic Space yacht. What do you think?"

General Purple answered first: "Won't that create multiple time and space anomalies to do this?"

Previous Galactic Sentience:"My Dear there are now so many millions of unexpected time changes at this point that neither of us think it matters. Nothing from this era to the next one are going to be the same completely. The Balance of the survival of the Galaxy really was the only important thing other than maintaining the ownership of the Galaxy by myself through to my oldest son. So, basically that the Galactic Farm has been passed down to it's heir, my son, who is also expected to provide for the well being of my other son that you all call Tech Noir because of his Tech Noir incarnations in the future and present."

General Purple: "So, there are more problems we are solving here than one?"

Previous Galactic Sentience:: "Yes. There are hundreds and maybe thousands of different problems caused by my retirement unexpectedly. One of the ways to solve some of these hundreds or thousands of problems would be to pass on my full set of memories to "Flame" here.

"Is that acceptable to you, Flame?"

Flame: "Yes. if it is for the good of the whole galaxy ongoing."

Previous Galactic Sentience: "Here's the problem, Flame. I wasn't always such a grown up like I am now or such an old doddering fool having children like the one you call Tech Noir so late in life which caused this problem to begin with. Then I doted on my youngest son Tech Noir, to such an extent that he got spoiled and didn't get the idea of "Where the rubber meets the road" in that he was allowed not to suffer like you and I and everyone else has suffered. So, he lacks empathy from growing up as a rich boy who sees poorer people more like you might view animals compared to people."

"So, Tech Noir, as you call him has no empathy for most beings problems because of my dotage. (which might have been okay if I could have lived another 50 to 100 million years to teach him empathy and compassion for others and to not be so completely self centered like he is like he is the center of the whole universe. As a child he WAS the center of my universe as I doted on him and took him everywhere in this galaxy and others meeting amazing beings and people everywhere and seeing animals of every species.

There is no being I know of in this galaxy who has been exposed to more different culture than my son. who you call, Tech Noir. This is why he is so dangerous because of the vast stores of knowledge that he has about thousands of cultures in this galaxy and others. Without empathy for others he is literally the most dangerous being in this galaxy. And if he perceived that I was dying he would be faced with a suicidal homicidal rage because he sees me as his God or Guru that he cannot live without. His perception of me is precisely why the present Galactic Sentience doesn't want to be thought of as a God like a Zeus or an Odin because he and I have seen this danger now first hand in the one you call, Tech Noir, which is the soul of my youngest son here."

"The other problem we are dealing with here is why I now want to give Flame all my memories and to give the rest of you my incarnations as much as you can stand without losing your balance too much. So, I'm going to begin but please tell me to stop when you all have reached what you can deal with now."

Within 30 seconds all present said, "Stop! This is too much to integrate all at once".

Previous Galactic Sentience: "Yes. I see the problem now. 1st son, the present Galactic Sentience! Could you come here but manifest into a human type of body more like I'm wearing. Maybe you could look just like me but wear a different colored robe.

So, the Previous Galactic Sentience (just like in the Sistine Chapel)was wearing a beige and white or creme colored outfit. So, the Present Galactic Sentience appeared looking exactly like the Previous Galactic Sentience only he wore a Blue and Creme colored same outfit. They were both exactly the same size and look so when he appeared he had tears in his eyes and hugged his Dad because he had just come from 67 million years into the future!

Previous Galactic Sentience: "I just realized I can give all my memories to Flame but I need to give all my memories to you now that you have carried the weight of the Galaxy for millions of years yourself. Unless you have all my memories now many problems are going to get bad here from now on."

Present Galactic Sentience: "Yes. And I also have a request. Can I give you my memories of what it has been like for me to rule the Galaxy for millions of years so far? I would like your opinion on many decisions I have made. I think you are better than I at making decisions but I did the best that I could."

Previous Galactic Sentience: "Okay. But, likely most of these decisions you made need to be left the way they are. Ruling is not a perfect or precise science. Mostly you can only do what appears best with the information you have at that point in time. That's the best you can do. And most of the time it's best to leave things the way you left them after your decisions."

Present Galactic Sentience: "Yes. Father. I agree."

Previous Galactic Sentience: "You don't know how good it is for you to call me father. Though I enjoyed in one way being called Grandfather as an endearment, I really needed you to call me Father or Dad the most."

The Present Galactic Sentience smiled and seemed so relieved on so many different levels to be with this Dad once again.


Previous Galactic Sentience: "Why don't you leave this body and awareness with me until I retire now?"

Present Galactic Sentience: Great Idea! Should we tell my brother who I am?"

Previous Galactic Sentience: "He'll know. That's one of the problems we are encountering which is that your brother might find out what we are trying to do before we can stop him from becoming Tech Noir the first time."

Present Galactic Sentience: "I think when you told him that he could visit you as all the Arcane's and as Jonathan who becomes Meridian and Moksha and His Oneness of Earth that you actually solved the biggest problem. I too, had an awful time with you gone into retirement because it most resembles in some ways human death. How do you experience it father?"

Present Galactic Sentience: "Well. I experience it more fully by seeing back through all these incarnations the best. I have a better understanding of what retirement actually is. It's not at all what I originally thought. Like, for example, I have realized through all of them that you and I could be together solving the problem of your brother and just our family gathering together to solve this problem has actually healed me and you and your brother in some ways already.

"And yet. we can leave the time lines he made in memory of him always which will be something he might be proud of in a really strange way too."

Present Galactic Sentience: "Are you sure that's wise to leave all those timelines intact?"

Previous Galactic Sentience: "I've put the Galactic Time Guard created sentients on it. Did we duplicate them all when we brought this planet back in time?"

Present Galactic Sentience: "Yes. So, we have double the created sentients now. One group here and one group there."

Previous Galactic Sentience:"I think we should make this move permanent for this group until we know better what happens in the future."

Present Galactic Sentience:"I agree, Father."

Previous Galactic Sentience: "Why don't you leave this body and awareness with me until I retire now?"

Present Galactic Sentience: Great Idea! Should we tell my brother who I am?"

Previous Galactic Sentience: "He'll know. That's one of the problems we are encountering which is that your brother might find out what we are trying to do before we can stop him from becoming Tech Noir the first time."

Present Galactic Sentience: "I think when you told him that he could visit you as all the Arcane's and as Jonathan who becomes Meridian and Moksha and His Oneness of Earth that you actually solved the biggest problem. I too, had an awful time with you gone into retirement because it most resembles in some ways human death. How do you experience it father?"

Present Galactic Sentience: "Well. I experience it more fully by seeing back through all these incarnations the best. I have a better understanding of what retirement actually is. It's not at all what I originally thought. Like, for example, I have realized through all of them that you and I could be together solving the problem of your brother and just our family gathering together to solve this problem has actually healed me and you and your brother in some ways already.

"And yet. we can leave the time lines he made in memory of him always which will be something he might be proud of in a really strange way too."

Present Galactic Sentience: "Are you sure that's wise to leave all those timelines intact?"

Previous Galactic Sentience: "I've put the Galactic Time Guard created sentients on it. Did we duplicate them all when we brought this planet back in time?"

Present Galactic Sentience: "Yes. So, we have double the created sentients now. One group here and one group there."

Previous Galactic Sentience:"I think we should make this move permanent for this group until we know better what happens in the future."

Present Galactic Sentience:"I agree, Father."


Previous Galactic Sentience: "How are you doing, Flame?

Flame:"It's painful but I have a different kind of nervous system than humanoids do. So, I'm better at dealing with billions of years of memories."

Previous Galactic Sentience: "Can you maintain mental and emotional balance with these memories?"

Flame: "I'm compartmentalizing them away from my own memories so that they don't disturb me and confuse me. I will access them when I find it useful to."

Previous Galactic Sentience:"It's Great you have this ability, Flame!"

Flame:"I"m more like the Arcanes in this type of thinking."

Previous Galactic Sentience:"Yes. I can see that. By the way how are the rest of you doing?"

The looks on all the incarnations was kind of: "This is a lot but we will try to compartmentalize these memories too."

Old Old Arcane said, "The hardest thing for human incarnations is that you don't occupy time and space much  at all. We relate to having a body mostly and our mind resides in our body. But, that's not how you operate as a Creator soul at all."

Previous Galactic Sentience:"Yes. I can see how you identify with your bodies and minds in this way. I about 99% of the time never lived in time and space at all. I found it uncomfortable to move from pure being to have to react to difficulties so quickly like one does often especially growing up as a human being."

"Being a baby or child tends to overwhelm the senses all the time and trying to find center is almost impossible. But, this relative Chaos is also what results in evolved adult human beings too if they are supported by enough good people around them."

Old Old Arcane said, "Yes."


General Purple spoke up at this point in the Savannah Tree House (Africa Style) overlooking the Animals of the African Savanah and Lions and Elephants:

Purple: "I have found (or more precisely) one of my bodies has found a timeline we want you to observe that might need to be terminated.

Previous Galactic Sentience: "Good. I knew you would find a few of his timelines that likely shouldn't continue.

Purple: "I do admire Tech Noir's creativity though. In this one there are 9 Billion Tech Noirs living on earth."

Previous Galactic Sentience: "Yes. This one might need to be eliminated. However, before you do let my older son and I go this time line so we can take a look for ourselves.

Purple: "Yes. I can do that right now if you wish."

Previous Galactic Sentience: "We can be here and there at the same time are you ready?

Present Galactic Sentience: "Yes. we can be here and there at the same time."

Previous Galactic Sentience said, "Your memories from me will automatically continue to gather in your brains. There is more than enough storage in all of your brains available and if not I will add to the size of your brains automatically."

Old Old Arcane: "Will our Craniums increase in size?

Previous Galactic Sentience: "Not noticeably by any other beings. Your spouses and consorts might notice , however. But, it shouldn't change your appearances. In other words people will just think maybe you changed your hair style or something."

Old Old Arcane kept reminding himself this was for the ongoing survival of the Galaxy. But, this wasn't necessarily a pleasant experience they all were having. Compartmentalizing these memories was important for a variety of reasons even though they all understood why this was happening for the good of the Galaxy. (And even for the good fo Tech Noir having aspects of his father to commune with).

They would be able to counsel Tech Noir and to help him in the coming millions of years now. After all, most all of them had been made immortal (to never die) in order to rescue the Galaxy from Tech Noirs childish time changes.


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