Sunday, November 14, 2021

Every time I write more to "The Alien War" I tend to bring that Chapter forward with links to all the other Chapters

 In this way if you are interested in Reading what I'm writing you can "keep up" with me as I'm writing when I write.

I don't write every day simply because there are good days for this and others days that are not good for this. 

I have to be in the right state of mind and the weather and my family and my friends and my dreams all affect whether it is useful to write or not that day or night. 

I can be woken up from a good dream at night some times and realize I need to write. The problem with this is if it is between 2 AM and 8 AM this is very bad usually for my metabolism now that I'm 73. So, I try never to write between about 3 or 4 AM and 9 or 10 AM so that my metabolism at this present age stays in balance ongoing in good health. It's nice to just be alive at age 73 when so many I know have died now.

All my parents, Grandparents, Aunts and uncles and most of my cousins and friends are gone now. So, I'm just grateful that my wife and children and their children are still alive and with me here on the west Coast of the U.S.

By God's Grace

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