Monday, November 15, 2021

Through forced Isolationism, China is appearing more and more dangerous to the outside world

 And now, as much of the world starts to reopen and learn to live with Covid, China is looking increasingly isolated by comparison — and determinedly inward-facing.

How China's zero-case obsession turns country into a 'Covid purgatory'
How China's zero-case obsession turns country into a 'Covid purgatory' 03:00
This apparent inward turn is evident in the itinerary of the country's supreme leader Xi Jinping, who hasn't left China for almost 22 months and counting.
It is manifest in the drastic reduction in people-to-people exchanges between China and the rest of the world, as the flow of tourist, academic and business trips slows to a trickle.
end partial quote from:
China has been scary to the rest of the world since Mao. Since Xi is trying to elevate himself to "Emperor of China" by his totalitarian rule and rules, China becomes even more scary to the whole world as it becomes more and more isolationist like it was before Nixon and Kissinger when there in the 1970s when Nixon  was still president. Since then many things have changed and China has become unbelievably fortunate in a State Capitalism sense. However, freedoms have seemingly become less and less until the people seem to have about the same rights as ants on the ground trying to survive Xi with him stepping on them and smearing them on the ground to his leisure.
From a purely European or American point of view, people treated like this eventually rise up and overthrow such a ruler. However, the history of China for thousands of years is NOT the history of Europe and the U.S. and Canada and New Zealand and Australia or even India. So, what we might expect these places is not true of China in the short or long term.
Because "The nail that stands up gets pounded down" in Chinese governance almost always. So, if you stand up for something like democracy you likely will be killed or spend the rest of your life in jail one of the two. (At least this has always been true in China).
Human rights do not exist in China and possibly never will (as long as Xi is "The Emperor of China" in a de facto way.
However, Chiang Kai-shek did bring democracy to Taiwan and it's 
still there from China. However, Xi is trying to destroy this
too like he has already destroyed democracy in Hong Kong.

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