Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Why do a majority of Americans favor keeping Roe V. Wade?

 If you study history many or even most wars are at least partly fought over population control. Even the idea of Ethnic Cleansing whole nations in a racist way is based upon population control by killing every man, woman and child in that nation which is a different nation than yours.

So, abortion is a way to prevent violent wars from happening and you could also argue that Covid is a way to prevent wars too (at least caused by overpopulation).

So, as unkind as it seems abortion is to the unborn it might still be better than  whole nations of people being killed in gruesome ways because of racism by one nation against another.

Often people are ONLY able to think about each baby on earth and cannot see the bigger picture here.

However, I too, abhor abortion on many different levels. But, when you compare it to World War II or World War I it is relatively easy to support Roe V. Wade if you are realistic enough to face the real problems of overpopulation on earth.

However, many Americans are unable to do this effectively and try to keep everything on a personal basis which doesn't work regarding the survival of humans on earth long term.

If you cannot see the bigger picture of the survival of the human race for thousands to millions of years here on earth it is possible you cannot understand why people support Roe V Wade still.

Because in actuality the maximum amount of people that can survive on the surface of earth for thousands and millions of years is about 1 billion people not 8.

And this is why Covid is reducing us back down to about 1 billion or less people on earth right now.

There were NEVER more than one billion people on earth until the early 1800s throughout human history. So, it has ONLY been not more than 200 years that we went over 1 billion and this is why we likely are now returning to 1 billion or less people by 2100 AD I figure through pandemics and Global climate changes.

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