Monday, January 10, 2022

How did present Cell phone Technology come About?

 Several developments on different technical lines led to cell phone technology:

The first element that was needed was GPS (Global Positioning Satellites). What happened here is because we likely are in either a Geomagnetic Reversal or what might be called a time of Geomanetic Wandering of the poles, magnetic north was moving too fast for navigation. So, they built GPS Satellites to prevent jets from running into each other and so more accurate navigation became possible in the 1970s.

The other development that allowed Cell phones to exist now came from a digitalization of sound signals.

Before this everything was analog concerning sounds but when digitalization of sounds became possible by turning them into zeros and ones like computers can read and understand this was the 2nd really important development that you see when you watch DVDs or listen to CDs with music on them.

Because when digital sound became possible it is easier to amplify accurately digital sound than analog sound around the world for a variety of reasons. First analog sound is in waves and difficult to amplify without distortion. Whereas because digital sound is more imperfect regarding sound but capable of being amplified because it is ONLY zeros and ones you could get a digital signal all the way around the world and people could still understand you somewhat.

So, once you had GPS Satellites and Digital Sound you had basically what you needed to have cell phones for everyone on earth.

Also, this is an easier thing to accomplish because you no longer need phone lines of thousands of miles of copper or aluminum wire surrounding the world because you can send the signals through microwave towers now worldwide (at least on land) and through satellites across oceans to other countries.

So now, when you dial a number on your cell phone the computers search for the phone you want to call and to see of that phone is charged up and turned on. If it is charged up and turned on it is located wherever it is on earth and that phone rings once computers find it and then you can speak with the person if they answer the phone. It seems like magic in some ways but mostly it is through many breakthroughs and inventions over the years coming together to make all this possible.

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