Saturday, March 18, 2023

Do you consider yourself to be an Independent, Democrat or Republican? Gallop Poll

Independents 44%

Democrats     28%

Republicans   27%

Though many people in the U.S. might be surprised at these figures, this makes complete sense to me because I also see myself as an independent rather than a Democrat or a Republican. Why?

Because both the Republican and Democrat parties often do "Shit for brains" things so I cannot completely support either party because of the insane things that both parties sometimes do.

So, when I vote I vote for what will help democracy in our country survive rather than for the party.

I vote for the people and for Democracy because sometimes both parties are "Shit for Brains".

These are the two extreme problems I have with both parties. I have trouble with the Democratic party because of their stance on guns. Why?

Because without a fully armed country democracy worldwide would soon be over. Most people don't see this like I do. But, many men who have had to fight for their lives with idiots who are also men fully understand this. Women might be okay with no guns but not men in this world the way they are presently worldwide.

I see men worldwide as to why we need an armed populace so we don't lose democracy in the U.S. or around the world. We are one of the last fully armed nations on earth. Without the U.S. as an armed democracy the whole world would become totalitarian of one form or another and democracy would cease to exist. How did we get democracy here in the U.S.? Guns.

How will we keep democracy here and around the world? Guns and other weapons.

To not understand this is to be very very ignorant in a fundamental way.

My problem with the Republican party is that they ONLY think of rich people and not poor people at all. It's as if Poor people are all supposed to go die somewhere. So, Republicans are rich elitists.

Because I believe that everyone on earth should be guaranteed food, clothing, and a place to live and Republicans don't believe in that.

However, you would have to have either Abortion to be universally acceptable worldwide for this to work or mass sterilization. Otherwise, we would eventually all either kill each other or destroy the ecology or both like we are now.

So, these are the two of many reasons why I cannot be a Republican or a Democrat in good faith.


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