Saturday, March 18, 2023

Is Nato including the U.S. trying to defend against Russia or win the war in Ukraine?

 I think Nato and the U.S. in order to defend Ukraine while preventing a nuclear war is not trying to win the war in Ukraine. However, Russia in trying to make this a war of attrition could win this war in the long run by the stance that the U.S. and NATO are taking. It's expensive to ship munitions and to manufacture them as far away as the U.S. so it is much more expensive for the U.S. to defend against Russia.

So, it is a catch 22. If we don't try to win this war (even though this could create a nuclear Holocaust) Russia could eventually defeat all democratic nations in a war of attrition by bankrupting Western Democracies (especially if they get China's overt or secret help in doing this).

So, I think a new strategy must be formed because the present one isn't going to work long term but only in the very very short term.

NATO and the U.S. must bite the bullet in order to win this war quickly somehow for them to succeed or else the whole democratic world could be lost to Russia and China through a war of Attrition.

The primary question becomes: "How do the Western Democracies win quickly against Russia and potentially China without starting a nuclear war that kills everyone?"

The answer to this is whether the NATO democracies or Russia or China exist after all this.

Basically, all these Groups of nations cannot exist (in their present form) with the present scenario going on for very long.

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