Sunday, July 14, 2024

I began writing in 1980 in order to try to heal myself from the traumas of my life. I was 32 then.

I had just remarried and had been a single father since 1977 of my son who was 3 years old then in 1977. So, in 1980 I had gotten married in March I believe and I began writing in this new writing style by summer of 1980. I tried to use everything I had learned while learning to become a psychologist to begin to heal the traumas of my life. Luckily, I had learned many things that might heal my mind both my conscious mind and my subconscious mind in what I had learned.

One of the most important things to consider once you are old enough and mature enough to do this is to realize that we all have a subconscious mind which is basically around 2 to 2 1/2 years old. Once you realize this is within all of us we need to heal and to raise this child within us by becoming good parents to ourselves and recreating ourselves away from all the mistakes people made while raising us.

My parents weren't bad people. In fact, they were the salt of the earth and very helpful and loyal to me in all ways and they were ministers and didn't smoke or drink so I wasn't physically at least ever abused or tortured like many children I observed were in the 1950s by their parents or guardians then..

So, most of the things I dealt with that were traumas were not directly caused by any intentions by my parents who were very good people and didn't smoke or drink in the 1950s when I was 2 to 12 years old by 1960. 

However, my parents were anti-Vaxers because of their religion so i didn't get any shots or even an anti-whooping cough shot so the first shot I got was a tetanus shot because I got bit by a dog at age 15 in 1963 while working as an electrician in my father's electrical contracting business.

So, I got whooping cough at age 2 because I didn't have this vaccination and almost died from it but I survived after the Angels saved my young life.

Later at around age 9 I fell onto the back of my head rock climbing with my father and got a concussion which caused me to have seizures sometimes at night. At the time none of us knew this was the cause. I didn't know this was true until my son got his Bachelor's of Science in Nursing. He told me that the ONLY form of Epilepsy where you recover at around 15 years of age is called Childhood Epilepsy caused by a head injury as a child and then your cranium grows and releases the pressure on your brain so you are okay.

But, I was 50 years old before I found this out.

Then I had to leave my childhood religion which was difficult for me because I saw the hypocrisy of my religion I was raised in and couldn't deal with that. However, eventually I saw that all religions were always very hypocritical. In other words " Don't do what I do do what I say".

So, I always saw this way of thinking as basically crazy and not logical and reasonable. It is the main problem with church going people all over the world I find this type of craziness or insanity which isn't logical or useful or reasonable.

So, I was trying at age 32 to heal myself from these and more traumas in my life then when I began to write about Arcane then the summer of 1980.

These are the first things I wrote starting with "Memories part 1" with Links (word buttons) below:

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