Saturday, July 13, 2024

I went to see the sun in my truck but basically there wasn't any. Surprise!

The weatherman I guess had mentioned something was going on with the monsoon rain clouds out of Mexico that often go into Arizona, New Mexico and Texas and other states like Nevada this time of year.

However, I was not prepared for what I found driving inland. Basically, there was no sunny place only haze and rain clouds interspersed with the sun. So, there basically was no direct sun. Then on top of this there were so many people headed to the coast where I live that coming back could be problematic too. On top of this there was a big event drawing many people from all over and this added to the traffic headed to the beach. However, I took an alternate route back that I know of and this was much better. However, I realized it didn't really matter if I drove even 100 miles inland I still wasn't going to see the sun like I wanted because of all the monsoon clouds spinning clockwise from the coast inland over the Sierras towards Nevada and back again in a very big spiral out of Arizona and Mexico.

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