Sunday, July 14, 2024

I'm not sure a cyanide bullet really exists. It might just be in the movies.


However, a military grade AR-15 bullet (which might not be available domestically, is designed to tumble through someone causing massive and usually fatal damage within 30 to 60 seconds and death. For example, it could take most of an arm off or if it hit the midsection would cause someone to bleed out within a minutes time and be gone. So, if this had been a military grade round it could have taken off Trump's whole ear or a part of his skull too which could have been fatal.
begin quote from:
A bullet design to produce maximum damage through tumbling and/or fragmentation. This is done by creating an empty space inside the bullet with a movable mass behind it. When the bullet impacts, the mass is thrown forward, changing the projectile's center of mass and causing it to tumble.

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