Sunday, July 14, 2024

Like many of you I experienced health issues this morning after the assassination attempt

I had trouble sleeping last night and wound up deleting everything I had blogged about the assassination both quoted and original by me. I couldn't sleep until I did this. I realized that it was affecting my health because I'm already trying to get well from a several week bought with bronchitis.

This morning I had trouble breathing that I attributed to being upset about what this all means for the world. So, I sat in a chair in my bedroom instead of returning to finish sleeping after being awake until 2 am last night not able to sleep from everything.

Though I'm not at all surprised this happened and to be honest was surprised it took so long to happen given what Trump was saying which is suicidal in nature to say things like this in public. The last person as vitriolic as Trump was George Wallace who was paralyzed by a sniper's bullet. He was running for president too.

When I was young people in a blue collar area where I grew up that Talked like George Wallace or Trump bad things often happened to that wound up with them being in the hospital or worse. So, it doesn't surprise me at all that someone would try to assassinate Trump. What Trump says just almost got him killed. I watched people nearly die talking like him growing up a lot, especially in car clubs and gangs people might die. So, I knew talking like Trump does got people killed a lot as I grew up. 

However, because Trump was raised rich he likely did not see all the blood and gore I saw growing up even in Glendale, California then, all the people with smashed faces or broken jaws or wounded beyond repair. So, for me, watching Trump was sort of like waiting for the axe to fall upon him like I had seen growing up long ago.

There are things you simply cannot say in public without bad things happening eventually. Trump's prowess with grabbing women by the crotch by itself would make men try to assassinate him who are the brothers or fathers of these women. It's part of the reason why Kennedy was assassinated too because he had affairs with the wrong married women who were girlfriends of mafia people too.

People don't talk about this much but it is also a factor these days too regarding Trump. All the forced affairs he has had could cause a man to try to End Trump's life too not just politics if they felt Trump raped someone close to them.

So, I don't think we have seen the end of attempts on Trump's life by unhappy Republicans because of all these things I write about above.

And if Trump is killed because of his angry dangerous words it will be hell for everyone on earth too. It won't be good for anyone if Trump is killed because then he will be a martyr like Hitler then.

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