Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Raising minimum wage is causing workers to get laid off their jobs around the country

The problem is and always has been insidious. 

Here is how it works.

Most minimum wage jobs are often working at fast food places. If you raise the wages then people stop going because the prices of the burgers or whatever goes up so people stop going because they can't afford the burgers. This causes minimum wage earners to lose their jobs a lot. The higher the minimum wages go therefore the more minimum wage earners lose their jobs.

This is especially true right now because of inflation has been killing everyone since Covid ended. Why has inflation been killing everyone?

There are two or more reasons for inflation.

1. Global warming causes more and more crops to fail which causes food to cost more worldwide.

2. People stopped wanting to work in jobs before the public where they can still get covid easily, especially ANY workers over about 45 years old which is the age where more people die of Covid. Below 45 the death rate is about 4% of those that get it. Above 45 the deaths rise exponentially. This has been true since around 2020.

Though there are many other reasons too these are the main two.

And because of this the inflation cycle of both food and wages will take away people's jobs especially low wage earners.

It isn't really about a living wage. It is about Covid and Global Climate changes if you really analyze the actual problems more closely. This could get much much worse this century by the way.

However, maybe AI might think of solutions to this problem or maybe you can think of solutions to this problem so less people have to starve to death because of all this.

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