Monday, July 22, 2024

Sunny Today presently 64 degrees

I'm sitting on my deck in back yard watching fluffy white clouds off the ocean go by but at least the sun has mostly burned off the fog from last night. This morning the deck was wet like it had rained here on the NORCAL Coast. I walked the dog at the beach last night but got chilled I guess and I had some trouble warming up last night. Couldn't sleep until 3:30am last night. I often cannot sleep between about midnight and 2 or 3 am. It's been like this since I turned 60 or 70 years of age. Presently 76 years old. 

I have been struggling with a bronchitis cough some these last couple of days. Likely it is missing my friends who were visiting for a week from Mt. Shasta. They were here to play music for a religious conference nearby and they do this and stay with us during this time of the year yearly now. It's nice to see them because they were gone to Nepal and India for around 3 months time and sick from Covid or giardia most of that time while traveling over there. He is 73 and she is 55 so they sing and play music together. A third member of their singing group went to India with them too and returned to Mt. Shasta before they did. They went in February I think and returned in late April.

I'm preparing to travel to San Diego later this week. We are renting a house for a month while our adopted daughter gives birth to her 2nd child. She already has a 7 year old and we were there for that birth too 7 years ago last December I believe. 

I'm worried about my son with Myasthenia Gravis, his car broke down this weekend and needs ths CVs in the front (which allows a front wheel drive car to work while turning the wheels while powering the car. So, we likely will help them pay for that maybe.

It's hard to be this old I find and trying to stay alive for my wife and children and grandchildren. It's been a lot trying to stay alive these past two months.

I was worried because we have to take two cars to San Diego and I was worrying about driving 7 or 8 hours down there and back after my health problems I have been having since I went to Texas to visit our youngest daughter there.

However, my wife came up with a solution which is to let me drive our Ascent which has automatic driving. She won't use these features but for me since I interface with technology better than most people for a variety of reasons it takes about 50% of the stress of driving for me out of the equation to just let the car drive itself wherever possible heading south. So, since she will let me drive the newer car that has these features and since she never uses these features because they scare her I'm no longer worried like I was about driving 7 or 8 hours south to San Diego and then driving 7 to 8 hours north back up to near San Francisco when we do. 

Friends who were staying in our Santa Barbara house said the fire in Santa Barbara was still going on. I should probably check for the latest news about Southern califronia Fires so it doesn't affect my breathing so much too come to think of it.

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