Sunday, July 14, 2024

The attempted assassination is catastrophic for ALL Democracies on earth!

First of all, Because of Trump's Vitriolic speech there likely will be many more attempts on his life. This doesn't bode well for either the people of the U.S. or the World. The whole world is in Crisis BECAUSE of this assassination attempt of Trump. Would it have been better for the world if Trump was actually assassinated? I think Trump dying could have set off an actual Civil War here in the U.S.

If Trump were dead this would be 100 times worse than now even.

Why is this catastrophic for the whole World?

Because without the U.S. being a functional democracy all Democracies will fall one by one.

And Putin and XI know this and are waiting for this exact thing to end all human rights on earth!

So, the assassination attempt helped Putin and XI  end democracies everywhere on earth!

All Democracies are at stake now and they know it! 

NOTE: For me, the strangest part of this assassination attempt is that the shooter was a Republican to begin with. So, you see how many Republicans absolutely hate Trump enough to do this. And if there are future Assassins they might be upset Republicans too. Especially if they are Reagan Republicans.

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