Sunday, July 21, 2024

Writing every day a little helps keep your writing skills intact ongoing

If you are a musician playing or singing or both your instrument is important. If you are an artist drawing or painting or whatever your medium is is important to do a little every day if you can. Whatever you are good at practice makes perfect.

For me, personally, writing is much cheaper than paying a therapist 220 dollars an hour which is what I have to pay my therapist presently. So, since this site is free for me to use free is much better than 220 dollars an hour to get therapy. 

However, if you have a blog you have to be very very careful what you choose to write about and protecting any serious information about yourself like your full name and address or displaying pictures that have digital earmarks which show the exact geographic location which is what you get from literally every smartphone photo which is why I stopped sharing digitally earmarked photos at my site her online. 

The way it displays digitally within the photo itself is through giving the exact lattitude and longitude of your location within 3 feet of every photo you take with a smartphone. Knowing this is important in protecting yourself and your family from harm from one of the 1% to 5% of people who are not law abiding citizens here on earth.

Anyway, writing a little bit every day (as long as you are protecting yourselves and your family can be a very good thing. However, I find it's useful to have a more positive philosophy so you naturally create good outcomes more in your life in regard to all this.

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