Wednesday, October 16, 2024


 For example, People think of AI as one thing when actually it is a million different things. I have come to this conclusion in thinking about AI.

To be realistic about where AI is going it will go EVERYWHERE. 

I think a useful way to think about it would be to say that AI will be sort of like all life on earth it will be in insects and birds and humans and the air and the water and the lands.

Is this good or bad?

I think it is always both sort of like how a Tiger might be nice to look at but you don't want one to eat you or bite off your face or your hand. The same like a Grizzly bear wandering around.

But, AI is like Covid or other diseases as well at a more microbial level as well through nanobots which could be used to rightly or wrongly do all sorts of things to life on earth.

People often worry about things like Terminator(1984) the movie. 

However, there are literally millions of ways AI could kill all life on earth or start a whole new evolution on earth as different as the difference between Dinosaurs and human beings here on earth.

Where will all this go?

I have no idea at present.

It's sort of like asking where it all was going to go when Planes and Cars and Trucks were invented. It's sort of like asking where it all was going to go when steam engines were invented.

There have been amazing new things possible good and bad at each and every turn.

This exact thing or millions of things will be possible for good and bad coming from AI too in literally all directions.

It reminds me of where Drones are going too. Drones could be used for good things or to kill everyone when they leave their house on earth or even kill everyone in their homes too anywhere on earth to the point where everyone would have to live underground to protect themselves from military drones.

It's sort of like this: Wonderful and terrible in somewhat the same ways that steam engines and planes and cars and Trucks and everything else could be wonderful and terrible in the last few centuries too.

It will be completely unpredictable by anyone at present where all this is going to go or whether humans will survive all this or not. The only fair thing you could say is:

 "We Shall See".

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