Sunday, October 27, 2024

Surviving the world as it is now

I can remember being 32 years old in 1980 and the Unemployment rate was 10% at that time and my family decided to buy 2 1/2 acres of land and to sell one of our vehicles and to buy lumber to build our house on this land. The idea was to not have to pay rent because of the inflation rate and unemployment rate at that time. I also got into being more of a survivalist not regarding guns but regarding burying 50 gallon drums of non-perishable food so we didn't starve if the nation went bankrupt from the Viet Nam War waste of money.

However, what I didn't realize at age 32 is the amount of good will from nations like Germany and Japan we had accrued from rebuilding those nations after World War II with the Marshal plan. So, when the U.S. was in trouble financially then and gas costs were escalating from 17 cents a gallon in 1969 to about 1 dollar a gallon or more in 1980 we would be okay because all we had to pay was property taxes because our land and house would be paid for.

However, now the problem is completely different. Now, the cost of buying a home is prohibitive for most people ages 30 to 40 years of age. So, if you don't own a business or something or have investments now you might never own a house in your whole life.

So, just paying rent the rest of your life and never owning anything isn't any fun at all at this point.

So, of course middle class and lower income people are enraged at what has happened not only in the U.S. but also around the world.

However, if people are going to be realistic here, what we are dealing with has two main causes:

1. The first Cause is Global Climate changes and flooding and droughts.

2. And the 2nd cause is Covid changing the workaday world in extreme ways over night (during the 4 years while it was raging the most.

So, the inflation regarding food worldwide is caused by Global Climate changes and Covid more than any other things if you are educated enough to realize this fully.

If you aren't educated enough about these things then you are just going to be really really pissed off not understanding more fully the causes of your grief and pain worldwide now.

So, the fact that people are so upset worldwide now is not surprising to me at this point, especially regarding the people who don't have good critical thinking skills because they never graduated from High School or College.

The problem is that the unhappiness of people is reaching such a fever pitch that Civil wars might break out all over the world which isn't going to solve problems at all and only make things much worse both in the short run and in the long run.

What is the Solution?

I think a part of the solution is to have people better educated so they can make better choices so their ignorance doesn't kill so many of them so young in various ways.

If you can define your problems in a useful way then you can also find useful ways to solve these problems that are not self destructive to people, their families or their friends.

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