When I was raised a mystical Christian I realized that a lot of what I was taught in the 1950s was racist that was embedded then a lot into Christianity. In my 20s I realized that I myself had been marginalized by my church and people told many lies about me because of their ignorance of what was really going on.
At this point I was horrified at just how ignorant people were around the world including in my church.
This led me to Buddhism (especially Tibetan Buddhism) because the major tenet is:
"Compassion for all beings as a way to reduce their suffering".
Christianity often talks a lot about kindness but often the racism is so inherent in the teachings in the U.S. of the last several hundred years here that it negates often the very kindness that they talk about.
So, by giving up being so judgemental of everyone different than myself I came to peace realizing I didn't need a church (to teach me racism and judging everyone) mostly because of the lies told about me when I separated from my childhood church in 1969.
What I experienced turned me against all churches so now when I think of churches I think of how dangerous they are to people worldwide and of how many people (millions) kill themselves because of shunning. This almost happened to me so I understand just how sinister shunning is in all churches worldwide.
There is no freedom of Religion in shunning only Death of people being shunned.
There is no kindness of shunning only the death by suicide of those shunned.
So, my experience of all this is all churches are dangerous to the survival of people who actually can think for themselves and are not sheep.
People who are sheep and cannot think for themselves go to church but people who can think for themselves understand just how dangerous to one's individual survival churches can be.
It's true churches tend to pacify people in many situations (at least they tend to pacify people of their own church or religion worldwide.
However, often this translates to killing anyone not of your church or religion worldwide.
So, because of nuclear weapons I see all churches and all religions as obsolete and they are obsolete in order to prevent nuclear Armageddon like our ancestors created 65 million years ago on the planet Maldek which is now the Asteroid belt.
A Russian probe sent to the asteroid belt in the 1970s reported back that the Asteroid Belt was once a planet that got nuked.
However, religions around the world in the 1970s repressed this information so only an atheist country like Russia was allowed to fully understand this at the time.
So, now you have a nuked planet likely caused by religion and you wonder why I think all religions are obsolete?
Either Religions are obsolete or the human race will soon be.
This is the choice that we need to heed from our 65 million year old ancestors who came to earth to survive back then and genetically engineered us to take care of them until they died or interbred with us.
Something to think about.
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