It's not that you don't cry yourself to sleep and feel very alone except for God and the Angels. It's that you give it all to God and wake up a new person the next day having let go of the old one you were the day before. By giving it all to God you sort of reincarnate as a new person each new day.
I can see why some people who cannot seem to do this become alcoholics or drug addicts. But, the natural way to move on is to give your problems to God, to the trees to the ocean to the mountains. Talk to your friends and relatives that you love. Talking about what is bothering you can be very or completely healing.
I had to set a boundary with my daughter regarding my daughter and it was very hard last night but an angel (one of my relatives passed on) came and helped me last night. I realized that my 2nd marriage of 14 years that ended 30 plus years ago could never have been saved. This also saved me because I have been processing this lately.
MY life the last 30 years has been very good and I remarried and my life has worked ever since. My health hasn't been always good but I have stayed alive after doctors thought I might die in 1998 and 1999. So, I'm still alive at 76.
My friend says I have a very strong body and this likely is true because of my great Grandmother who lived to be 105 and my Great Grandfather who lived also in Kansas from the 1840s until the middle of World War II and who was a Captain in the northern Army during the Civil War there.
Also, my mother, her mother, and both her sisters lived to 90 years of age.
So, I think my physical strength comes from my genetics and my disposition which is always hopeful though extremely pragmatic also.
Survival is about not giving up.
It doesn't mean you don't cry yourself to sleep sometimes in life. In fact, if you can't cry yourself to sleep often you die of cancer from holding it all in too much.
You have to release your pain somehow in order to live a really long time. However, I suppose not everyone wants to live a long time.
IF you are not happy with your life often you don't live very long.
So, maybe the most important thing is to find what makes you happy and go live there with that person if you can.
By God's Grace
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