Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Why Does Belief Create Reality?

I think the best explanation I have found in science for this is in subatomic  physics. The design of the universe is such that if a scientist conducts an experiment at a subatomic level while observing it, the scientists consciousness often affects the experiment. Because if a scientist moves away from the experiment and maybe takes a movie of it so no one witnesses it the effect is different.

But, to some degree experiments cannot be replicated very much at the subatomic level because the consciousness of the experiment is directly affected by the presence and attention of the scientist or scientists present.

So, if what we think affects outcomes at a subatomic level then what we think and feel affects our own bodies and the bodies and living things around us too.

For me, this is  part of the basis of why enlightenment is desirable for all humans who are aware of this. Precisely because our consciousness affects all life around us we need to be conscious, enlightened and clear about what we are thinking and experiencing so we can do the greatest good for ourselves and all beings around us.

The above paragraphs for me gives the greatest reason why people individually and collectively need to be clear and kind and useful and helpful in all thoughts, feelings and actions. Because what we think and feel affects all life around us at a subatomic level all the time including what happens in our own bodies and the bodies of others as we pass by.

Being compassionate and kind to ourselves and to all life around us is literally a matter of life and death to all of us all the time.

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