Sunday, February 7, 2016

Push made to prohibit utilities from retroactively penalizing solar customers

The very knowledge of Utilities punishing Solar Customers likely will just put all electrical utilities out of business faster because this will push many solar panel users to simply "go off the grid" and avoid these penalties completely. So, I think smart Electrical Utility companies are going to go into Natural Gas and water and Wind and solar themselves more in order to stay in business at all by 2050, especially because solar is expected to be cheaper worldwide than any gasoline, natural Gas or diesel oil product by 2026. And when Oil spikes sometime likely in the next 5 years or so being off the grid likely would be a good thing. Many people then likely will buy electric cars and charge them from their solar cells or put solar cells in the roofs or all over these cars at that point as well.

Push made to prohibit utilities from retroactively penalizing solar customers

Las Vegas Review-Journal - ‎Feb 2, 2016‎
CARSON CITY - A coalition of rooftop solar companies on Tuesday urged the U.S. Senate to adopt an amendment to an energy bill that would give states the authority to prohibit monopoly utilities from retroactively penalizing customers who invest in ...

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