Friday, December 8, 2017

There are only 3 places on earth where the air can ever get this dry

I was mentioning yesterday about a dewpoint of minus 15 which I didn't know even was possible with a hazard index of 269 (with extreme fire danger being a 160) so we were 100 points even above this. They also mentioned there are only 3 place on earth (southern California being one of them) that can even get this dry ever.

Since I have been in San Diego county visiting my oldest daughter I have been getting chilblains  which are cracks on the back of your hands that can bleed. This is likely caused just by washing your hands a lot in dry weather but also just being here. So far, I'm not experiencing the need for chap stick like one does in the nearby deserts like when I lived in Yucca Mesa above Yucca Valley. I'm just dealing with chilblains so I'm using some Burt Bees cream my wife got me at CVS drug store recently. I likely prefer cornhusker's lotion when chilblains are the worst.

The point is you don't want your backs of your hands or lips to crack so bad they start to bleed. So, preventing them from just spontaneously bleeding from the dry and cracking is the  point here.

So, if you were wondering why these fires are so bad it's the combination of desert winds (Santa Ana Winds off the deserts blowing out to sea combined with unheard of (record breaking) dryness, combined with no rain here in Los Angeles or San Diego now for 3 to 4 months.

Where I live near San Francisco we have had quite a bit of rain already but none to speak of here in Los Angeles or San Diego counties.

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