Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Can the American People Survive the Present Constitutional Crisis?


We are in as serious a threat to our Government remaining a Democracy with three branches of Government as we were in 1860.

If we look at World War II it was a threat from outside of the United States from Hitler and Tojo.

But, this is a threat from both inside and outside the U.S.

One threat is Putin messing with our elections starting with Trump.

The other threat is Trump who is Putin's patsy here in the U.S.

And Trump is doing Nothing to protect the 2020 elections from putting Trump back in office.

And McConnell in the Senate as Majority Republican Leader is doing nothing to protect our elections from Putin either.

So, we have Trump and Putin and McConnell and Barr all working in concert to end our democracy at this point in human history.

Is Putin the worst threat or is Trump the worst threat?

It's hard to say which threat is worse because all threats are working to end our constitution and to end our Democratic way of life and to put either Putin or Xi in as world Dictator of the entire human race.

So, actually what is under threat here is democracies world wide at this time in Human history.

Will the human race survive this present threat?


This is about 100 times more serious than World War II (the era we are presently going into).......

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