History of the "IAM" Activity

History of the "IAM" Activity

Book - hard cover
9.5 x 7.75 inch
464 pages

In the Words of the Ascended Masters and Those Who Were There:
With special gratitude, Saint Germain Press announces the official, authorized history of Beloved Saint Germain’s “I AM” Activity, a richly illustrated large volume with over one hundred one-color and twenty full-color pictures. The text is documented with hundreds of quotations from the Publications and the unpublished correspondence of the Beloved Messengers, Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Ballard, and early Leaders, from individual journals, records, and mementos in the Archive of Saint Germain Foundation and Press, as well as interviews with early Students—“Those Who Were There.” The fourteen chapters include the early life and Service of Mr. and Mrs. Ballard, the public attention evoked by their national tours, the origin of the Group Meetings, the first use of Decrees, the establishing of Saint Germain Press, the development of the first “I AM” Reading Rooms and Sanctuaries, and the tireless, determined service of Mrs. Ballard after Guy W. Ballard’s Ascension in 1939.  
Three chapters are devoted to the “I AM” Music, Art, and the importance of the recording program from 1935 to the present. A chronicle of the “I AM” Ascended Master Youth Conclaves and the Pageant, “I AM” COME!, fills two chapters. The resumption of the Dictations through Mrs. Ballard is recounted, as well as the significance of the United States Supreme Court decisions concerning the “I AM” Religious Activity, the Inner Activity of the social issues of the 1950s and 60s, the move of the Headquarters to Schaumburg, Illinois, and the “I AM” Teaching worldwide. The final chapters summarize the “I AM” Activity as it enters the New Millennium.
Hardbound, 440 pages, 9 1/2" x 7 1/2" 
two color folios, appendices and index