Sunday, July 19, 2020

I am hearing more and more about coronavirus deniers

I was talking to a friend just now about one and this man's brother was just intubated and his response was "He doesn't have coronavirus. He has something else." This is just how the people in denial about coronavirus are and the older they are the worse this gets sort of like Trump at 74.

If and when this man's brother dies I'm sure he will say something like "Oh. He died of the flu but not coronavirus."

So, if you meet someone like this don't argue with them because they might just pull out a gun and shoot you in response. They are sort of like lemmings. They are all dying like flies now nationwide and worldwide. Unfortunately, it's natural selection in action now worldwide.

It's like the lady in the hospital dying of coronavirus who said, "I thought all this was a hoax and now I'm dying!"

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