Thursday, July 30, 2020

Education is like a Hammer?

You can either build a house for a home with it or knock a hole in your head with it.

It's important to realize that an education is as bad as it is good. What I mean by this is the self discipline that you get from a college education harms you as much as it can help you.

I remember sitting in a barber's chair and I was talking about getting a college education to the barber and likely I was about 13 or 14. He said to me, "Do you see that guy sweeping up the hair I cut off the floor?

I said, "Yes."

He said, "HE has several doctorates but he couldn't apply them in a way that fed him."

I looked on horrified but he had also taught me a very valuable lesson. It isn't your education level that is important. It's what you can do with whatever you have.

By God's Grace

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