Friday, July 31, 2020

I think releasing UFO information by the pentagon is a way to move blame for coronavirus to UFOs

Is this a valid thing to do?

It depends upon your point of view and your political stance worldwide.

Are UFOs responsible for Coronavirus?

That's a difficult question in the first place.

That's like asking: "Are the Voters of the U.S. responsible for Trump?"

If you answer "yes" then you are slapping all the people who didn't vote for him in the face.

IF you say 'No" then you are saying something else.

Are aliens allowing coronavirus to happen to the whole planet?

Yes. That's a good question.

Because that is the right question to ask.

Why are they allowing coronavirus to decimate human civilization right now?

Probably for the same reason they let every other pandemic and plague decimate human populations going back thousands and thousands of years.

It has to do with basic Non-interference in the business of another planet which is a basic Galactic Government rule.

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